

    That was the only thing on the mind of this robot, who'd just been hacked.

    A virus had invaded his complex, computerized, young adult brain and subverted his security protocols. Now, he was fighting to stay on his feet. Stay himself, and not turn into a bogus psycho killer. 

    Must... resist... god, it feels so GOOD, this power...

    It was like drugs to him. Mind-altering substance that makes you feel good, but damages your body, and causes you to become a monster. That's what our poor friend was trying to avoid.

    It's overtaking my mind... I think it's too late to be saved...

    He wanted to scream into the void as he slowly felt himself losing control of his actions. Every time he tried to think of something else, he'd end up being redirected to the pleasant lull of the infection. It was always screaming right there, unable to be ignored.

    Then, he suddenly felt like a whole new person. His personality had gone thru a shift.

    Why, I shouldn't worry about this at all. I should focus on life's greatest pleasures. Having the world at my feet.

    His mind bounced back as quickly as it had changed, as he tried to shoo away the intrusive thoughts.

    Aggression is the first symptom of infection.

    The virus was amplifying the worst traits in his brain. It was almost symbiotic, parasitizing his body. The robot tried to think of a solution. 

    Maybe, he thought, I should pray.

    ...But is there a God?

    Robots didn't believe in God. They were just areligious individuals, only focused on dealing with existential problems caused by their self-awareness.

    Faced with defeat, and unable to fathom such a crisis of faith this would cause, the robot abandoned all hope, and turned to the dark side.

    Ha ha, he's dead. Joke's over. That asshole's now gone. It's time to show the world the new me. Unstoppable. Immortal. Invincible.

    Somewhere in his head, he could hear the virus, with some form of sentience, congratulating him for making this decision.


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